Monday, February 11, 2008


"I think the fans versus favorites setup is the ultimate challenge because we have the favorites who have obviously played the game before, coming in here with experience. But at the same time you have us (the fans) and we know their game. We know not only their strengths but weaknesses too. So I think that puts us at a huge advantage."
Alexis Jones-Survivor: Micronesia

Alexis made several valid points in her encouraging quote. She is obviously smart in her attempts to establish unity with her team by making a statement like this. She also does well trying to build rapport with her references to “We” and “Us” throughout the statement.

However, Alexis either does not realize or chose to ignore that the portrayal of the returning favorites is by no means indicative of their true behaviors and abilities. As attentive and discerning members of the media audience we know that reality shows such as “Survivor” manipulate the time frame of events and the context of discussions in order to put forth entertaining television. So if Alexis was aware of the fact that much of what was shown on television will probably not aid her team in dealing with the favorites then she did well by not mentioning it.

Either way Alexis could not have said anything better than what she did say. Her comment helps to portray her as a team player and one with a positive attitude.


Melissa said...

I do agree with you in the fact that what she stated does prove her to be a true team player, but I don't think it was wise because I don't think she realizes the power the media has to take something that someone has said or done and turn it around. The way the "favorites" played in the past could easily be how they play again, or maybe they will play differently and that will throw the "fans" off. It's really hard to tell, but we will soon find out!

Gary D. said...

I agree with you about how she really does not know how the favorites played the game because the producers of the show did not show her the complete reality of the show. It could be easy for the producers to edit clips to portray characters in a way which does not portray their characteristics 100 percent accurately. Consequently, she was misinformed about the program and is at a serious disadvantage to the favorites.